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Would love to offer art for this lovely!


Let me know if you'd be interested and how much art you think they'd be worth! I was thinking of offering a bust and a halfbody, both in whatever style you want (Pixel, painted, or lined) 

hi!! those would work! :D would be pixel be ok? 

btw do you have any limitations on what kind of characters you can draw before i send character(s) you could draw? 

Pixel would be great! And I don't have any hard limitations, though I'm not a huge fan of extreme body horror/gore if that influences your decision (but I don't mind characters with multiple eyes or stuff like that, and i can always let you know if something is within my comfort range). I also don't usually draw Anthros or ferals.  Other than that I'm open to any kinds of chars really! 

awesome! sorry late reply btw

you can pick from one of the chrs from what i pick for each piece :D lmk if i should find more other characters from my th! 

bust: Astra (specifically the version shown in link), Weeping Angel, August, Chydrair

halfbody: Hesperus, Hades, Cecilia, Vesperus Burton

hi!! just bumping reply just incase my reply hasnt been seen yet dont mind me👍👍

You're all good! My bad for not confirming that I saw this. Your characters are all gorgeous, Ive already started on a bust of Weeping Angel!

its ok!! and ty :D take your time btw!