Comments on [CLOSED] Art for Voucher! All Comments

I'm interested! How would things work with the sale? ^_^

i'm going for the total before the discount. :] say if youd like to buy a lemon icon for 12$, and you pick out a game thats 25$ (regular price), but its currently on sale for 6$, you can still get two icons. so youre paying 6$ but getting the worth of the original games pricing. :D

sorry if thats confusing! there will be a cap depending on art type/slot cap to prevent myself from overworking but it mostly comes down to discussion on whats wanted.

Awesome! What are your top games you are wanting that are the most on sale? We can work from there. ^_^


Added you as a friend! 

And I'm mostly interested in animated Icons, pixel or not. ^_^

oh, i have no preference on what's bought :-] ! whatevers within the budget of what your looking for is what I can (in most cases) do. I think animating a non-pixel icon could be fun though, were you thinking of the lemon icon? :0 and id love to know how many/of who, you were considering getting!! ^^

accepted the fr!

Yeah, the lemon ones. Or the pixel! Or some of each!

And I'd love to get stuff of any of these kiddos! ^_^