Comments on [F2U] Basic Profile Code All Comments

this code is so nice and i wanna use it on my profile, but i'm having a few problems

1. the icon over the name isn't showing up for me for some reason? all i can see is the link and some of the code

2. the about me, the can and can't do, and the friends/characters show the same thing, what i typed for the about me

3. the links and the folders aren't showing up

i have no experience in coding like this so i don't know what i did to break some things but i need some help fixing them

forgot to say that i used the custom color code, if that helps a bit

Hello there! Extremely sorry for the late response, I don't check this account very often.

That those sound like a handful of issues :0. Can you send me the code you have so far? It's easier to see what went wrong in the edited code because I tested the code just now and it worked alright. It's fine if you don't need help anymore though, seeing this is a 4 month old comment 😅

yeah i can send you the code in dms