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i just wanted to pop my head in to say your AF calendar is coming along so well so far!! your marker work is so clean, i can hardly believe it's traditional :0

aww thank you so much!!! I appreciate that, my markers like to bleed outside the lines so I'm always glad when a piece turns out okay ^^; I'm really enjoying the calendar tho, it's turning out to be perfect for the amount of time I have for the fight this year :D

that's awesome! i've always found the calendars to be so stress-relieving and bite-sized, definitely a good motivator to do simpler traditional headshots. sometimes when i'm drawing outside of a calendar i get so caught up in trying to do fullbodies and complicated poses, but with the calendars it's nice to be able to focus on one little thing every day and get a big result at the end of the month.

oh yeah I totally agree!!  Usually I do a lot of halfbodies/fullbodies during AF and it's been so much less stressful with my limited art time to focus more on headshots.  I'm definitely excited to assemble it all into a proper calendar page at the end of the month!

that's so good! fullbodies take so much energy and time, it's nice to be able to constrain yourself a bit. i'm excited to see the end result!!