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god same, i'm also picky when it comes to designs
though if its based after a certain theme I like, I wanna make sure I get it the exact way I want it lol (that or I wanna make sure the pattern or color palette looks good :) )

Honestly same, I try to get it the way I want or I ask a friend/moot to help me design it. I've got maybe a few people who know my aesthetic well enough tjfjf 

But sometimes I do love getting designs from other people especially when it's in my range of aesthetics. Mobian ocs tho are a bit finicky for me aesthetic wise, like I want it a certain way but also want it to pop with a bit of unique pizazz like, I know I'll wanna get an oc that's a child of a certain canon and I'll want it a certain way but it's tough to explain. Im very finicky on the ideas I want, but most of the time if it's pink/flowery/based on a fox/inugami/demon type of vibe then I'll take it.

that's totally valid and I feel ya lol! 

Apologies for rambling your ears off! Rather honored to have you following me and enjoying my stuff.

No need to apologize! I enjoyed it very much!!
And same going your way as well!!!
I hope you have lots of awesome days!


I hope you do as well!!