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IF SO YES YES YES !! i can DEFINITELY trade him for one of those and do a trade w u 

they r so cute.. WHAT!

u can pm me ab the character u want drawn and I’ll draw them rlly soon :33 

an note that I’m good w anthros ! !

Yup!! They are exactly those!

And Can it be from here and not in pm? Thank you! 

And of course!!

Can you draw a fullbody of them like this?

And Can you tell me the characters for the two chibi fullbodys!! 


also of u wanna talk faster we can do it in insta dms!!! (My user is sidistic_dog) ! !

U MMM u can draw this girlie w her unicorn stuffie!!
and can u pick someone else from my th to draw? Just lemme know I’m curious but I might change it because I have another oc in mind but :>>

no srry!! I prefer here since I respond faster and I don't forget what you ask me :(

Uhh and sure!! Take your time !

THE PAGE LINK ISNT WORKING STILL GRR can u just umm explain the drawing? I’ll get it then!!

and who else in my th would you want to draw other than Tory? 

The drawing is beautiful <3

AWWW THANKYOUUUU should I transfer the oc now? You think?

Okay I did ! ! And I’m gonna swap out the other oc for the trade so can you draw this guy? she can be looking kinda angery/ mad and crossing her arms !! And ur Tory drawing is so cute <3 thankyou 

okie!! I will do it right now!

6 Replies