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um for the chibi full I’m doing it’s gonna be very hard to draw that style in chibi form so I’m gonna have to simplify it a bit ! ! I Hope thats okay ! And I got the idea for the second chibi oc done so it’s almost ready ! 

Okie!! <333 don't worry!!

OKAY!!! And btw when do u think u will b done w Tory’s? I’m just wondering ! ! Tyt !

It may take me a while but in a few days or a few weeks it may be over! Depends on how much free time I have

OKAY!!! And for the other oc I want u to draw it might take me a bit to get ahold of my co owner rn BUT ! ! ail send u over the oc so u can see the wip so far :>

So I draw this character and the other too? :D

4 Replies