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Would I be able to do some headshots for you? I reallyyy adore your art !!!! ^_^ for free !! bc im testing out a new style :)))

Like this headshot >> )) but colored perhaps :D it will be fixed up when it comes to the line-art ,

you can choose how many headshots you want! :>

Omg???? u are so sweet ofc u can!! Do however many headshots u want, id be so grateful for even one TvT!!!!! <3TY???

your welcome!!! <3 ^_^ :)), actually gonna do one fullbody of one! - theres gonna be 4 headshots. lmk What ocs you want drawn :)

Feral only for the fullbody one im doing :> (gonna look like this recent fullbody:

ohmygoodness this is so much TT!! you can absolutely do anyone from these folders except Jett!

u can definitely do a feral piece for ploosh if youd like!

YES! absolutely omg 

2 Replies