Comments on [F2U] MS PAINT WINDOWS 98! All Comments

hey i was wondering if u could help me out? im on pc and im trying to use this code but when i enable the "WYSIWYG" thing and try and edit it from there it completely messes up the code and all the sizing and placement is off, the only way it works is if i have the "WYSIWYG" disabled and edit the raw code which is quite difficult for me because im not to informed about coding but ik how to put in basic text and images but when it comes to things like making the text bold or coluring the text it becomes very difficult, but thats what the "WYSIWYG" is for, its supposed to make doing that a million times easier but like i said it keeps messing up the code ?? :/

this is what it looks like when i edit it with "WYSIWYG" on and edit? : ((( 68391013_rOfhC5C3KLSzVSd.png

idk if im just a huge dummy at coding and im supposed to permanently disable "WYSIWYG" or something lol, if thats so im sorry lol like i said im quite new to coding DX

you can't use WYSIWYG on this code, sorry. you can use for any coding help

i ended up learning alot about code after making this comment!! i was just a huge newbie lol, but ty for responding!!