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Hey would you want to do another oc trade? 

I would love to see the oc's you have for offer ! 

Right now tho, I'm mainly focusing on clearing my UFO folder~

Ok. You can look thru these. If you don't like any I'll show u more tentive ones.

I do like this gal. She has some potential :)

I do think I would be willing to do these to for both of the boys you linked but I would need more time to decided for Dismas~
For now you can let me know what you think about these two boys!

I would be willing to trade for the first one but Vex I purchased for points so he is a little more tent so I would trade dismas for him. I would trade the first guy for her: :D

Hey again I just got an offer on Vex i'm probably going to accept. Do you like any others that you would trade for dismas?

I really dont see anyone I would like to trade for Dismas but I can totally do that trade for 0!

2 Replies

And If you are interested in two characters I also like this dude

Do you remember which oc i traded with you for ghostie?

It was your adopt. :) I later gave it to someone as a gift. If ur not ok with that I will take it back.

Do you remember which adopt it was? I forgot and you can just give me the profile of the new owner so I can keep track~

And I remember now! Ill send 0 your way!

3 Replies