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god yeah youre right, im REALLY happy for the graphics update overall, i feel like i haaaave an idea of what theyre doing with msq but hell im eating it either way its ffxiv HGJKFDSHGDHLG, and as someone who's poc im staring at the new area so hard but im also glad i  DId Not see that part of the community being racist about thav/radz thats so. icky

hell yeah!!!!! i think. they should give up a spell from each of the 12 if we can blu aglaia/euphro/new one soon id ahve a reason to do blu again JGFDSJHKGFDHSJGF

Oh yeah!! I think my computer will be okay for the rehaul. n yeah... even if the team acknowledges their mistakes, still not quite...removing things from the game/online shop though! The fanbase is still the worst of it. n oh! I did, a lot, on twitter! Easily twitter, there was drama nearly everyday.

ohhh!! god that'd be so much fun.... wish they'd put some alliance based spells, but I guess there are reasons as to not... but. to learn stuff from the gods? Thal's wayward soul, or simply learn the Nald'thal scales. new % chance one shot spell, NOT AS POTENT AS A GOD'S... but good enough  

ive gotta upgrade my gpu and ram for the update :') the gpu i ahve is JUST BARELY holding the game steady, but yeah i totally understand where youre coming from with this, i usually stay on priv for twt and interact with people i know arent.... like that :x 

yeah!!! idk why they havent put any alliance based spells on blu.... it makes me a little sat bc id LOVE to have those... learning spells FROM the gods would be so ogughgog i think id go crazy for that tbh