hello! I'd like to offer on Raga and Lacrime, does anyone below interest you?

some other characters uft here and art/customs if you are interested! if you are open to reselling/vouchering them, I'd love if you could let me know, but I understand if not!

thanks for your time!

Hello, thank you for the offer!
Raga is pretty near and dear to my heart so he won't be leaving me unfortunately, and I didn't really see anything I could use more than I'm using Lacrime atm ;u;  I'm not really interested in selling them at this point in time either, but I can definitely keep you in mind for the future if that ever changes though?  I really do appreciate the interest either way!

I’d love to be considered if you ever put them up offers, thank you!

I'll definitely note you down and give you a ping if something ever comes up!

Out of curiosity though, and I hope its not too forward to ask but other than lacrime did I have any any other designs you might consider bundling together for zhulei?  I've seen your thread around EO on your characters and I do miss them somewhat, but I'd definitely understand if the thought isn't appealing at all and you'd prefer to hang onto them!

no worries at all! I took a look again and unfortunately I didn't see anyone that I'd connect more with Zhulei, but as long as my thread/bulletin is still up, feel free to offer again ^^

Totally fair, if I ever find anything in future I'll be sure to drop by!