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Haha- unfortunately shes already owned by someone and i just needed to upload lmao- ALSO I WANNA HOST A MAP SIS- xD

Ohhhh that's actually so cool!! REALLY??? That's awesome >:00 haha you don't need to do that <33 

Haha yeah- AND YES I DO- I was thinking of songs- do you think the paper doll song by kikuo would work :0 i cant type the Japanese name for the life of me-

EJJRGRET I LOVE THAT SONG!! Yep I like it UuU the Japanese name? Wdym?

Yesssss- soo i think i might do that- just need to wait for my computer to be back from being repaired after 2 months xD and uhhh the original name is in japanese but i dont speak japanese haha- lemme find it wait a min -

Mmkay UuU I'll definitely join~ ahah sorry I didn't mean to make you go looking XD

24 Replies

紙人形 :D

Ah, gotcha UuU Kami Ningyou? Apparently that's the reading XD

3 Replies

Oop- AHAHA LET'S DO IT!! Though I do need a little break before getting into animating XD I did animate two attacks tho- I'll find the motivation somehow. What song??

Woooooo- wanna co-host?? And yeahh understandable xD probs me too- and it wont be up for a few weeks haha ((because procrastination is the best-)) and oh damnn- i was originally going to animate one but decided not to due to time pressure lmao and its the song i mentioned in the comments before-

Sure XD yeppp though I really won't be giving myself a break, I'm doing a little practice manga thing for one of my friends birthdays (though her birthday was in July ;;) which will literally be just a manga with her characters taking her to different places in Tokyo UuU one chapter each year pffffft- I'm starting it this year tho- oh yeah gotcha~ yeah I get it XD my animated ones were only barely animated. One had rain and the other had a stuffed dragon blinking.

Oh damnn- good luck with that alice- im sure itll turn out amazing tho!! Sounds awesome- reminds me of something me and j were meant to do with the mizumi magica girlies going to japan- never got written tho haha and shhh at least you animated it xD

Ahaha thanks sis <33 definitely a pain because manga is pain to do apparently but I'll be fine <33 ohhh I forgot about those girlies- sounds fun >u< weeeell not very good animation-

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