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Do you have a discord? I can send u my ss if you still dont have it ):

oh I see it now! okay weird it must've been on paypal's end. Okay I'll send Frogpants to ya asap

Oh good! Okay glad that was sorted haha

Thanks so much! Let me know who to draw!

tysm for being interested in frogpants!! take care of him now! you can draw a halfbody for any of these characters ^^

Awesome, thank you! I'll get started after work today!

Hey there! Haven't forgotten this at all, do you have a discord or email I can send the art to? c:

hi! no worries I didn't think so at all ^^ my discord is sslicie! same as my user

hello! any updates to this? you never messaged me on discord so I'm just checking in if you're okay ^^; my email is [email protected] if that's easier