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sThe first time I saw this baby I died. Okay, not really, but it was enough to kill me ;-;

I plan of naming him Mizuki (Yes, I get it's a girls, name, but his soft personality really matches it ;-; ). 

I already have this story/manga thing called "A Ghost's Story" where a Ghostie named Yuuko has to find a way out of her misery and find the true meaning of why she's here. Mizuki plays an important role in the story because he would be one of her mystical friends who are the only people who really know Yuuko's limits to power. Mizuki wants to keep Yuuko safe - not safe because she can be physically vulnerable, but because she may one day absorb far too much power. [Yuuko's design is in WIP, hhhhhh I wanna get it done quick owo]

Mizuki is also a respectful follower of Midori (an idiot witch XDDD ), who awed him with her legendary powerful level as a dark magic user. Sadly, Midori isn't that powerful and Mizuki apparently never realizes it Owo; Yuuko could even form spells that "The Great Witch" herself cannot accomplish whatsoever.

I spent a lot of time trying to come up with this story, and Mizuki seemed to fit that role <3 (and to be honest, I needed some laughs in the story, too owo. Like, there was this scene where Yuuko mercilessly killed her host over a piece of cake XDD )

Mizuki's personality traits: Happy-go-lucky, innocent, cute, loyal, funny at times, shy, and energetic.