Comments on [open] silly blinky coms! All Comments

hello can i pls buy one of IC?

....and another one of Teneale haha i couldn't decide. I don't actually have a ref for her yet, if you're not willing to work from parts of multiple images then i'll try to get around to making a ref some time, but if you don't mind:

- reference the outfit, lipstick colour, and body type from this image
- reference all the colours, the glasses, and the hairstyle from this image (ignore the stylisation, i turned her into the autism creature hehe) also use the darker blue eye colour, the lighter blue is only a highlight, also you can choose a slightly even darker shade of blue to compensate for the glasses lenses (again im sorry for not having a ref yet)

yes i can definitely do that! there will be a bit of a wait though, is that ok?

and are u comfortable paying upfront? :D

yeah sure i don't mind waiting, no rush! how much of a wait do you estimate it'll be though? if it's gonna be longer than 2 weeks I'd prefer to pay when you're ready to start rather than now, if that's okay?