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Possible names: Serena, Kaia, Nori

Story: Is the seer of a ocean based dreamcore/weirdcore world! Though it has not much in it, for miles the water is just a couple inches tall with a always pale sky. There is no land or houses of any sort. And though the content of this world may seem dull she does not care. She finds a lot of joy and peace in the loneliness and just walking. Though as the days go on something starts to feel off, she isn't sure what so she keeps travelling. Until she finds something that may suggest some else is in this world too which intrigues her.

I WANTED A MYSTERIOUS VIBE FOR THE STORY but i am SOOOO SUPER OBSESSED WITH THIS GIRL. The design is absolutely gorgeous and I wanna draw her a million times fr!! Ocean designs are my weakness they always rock!! I think with the screen popups on her were caused by some of the water leaking into her system, for the most part she is waterproof but she ended up getting those popups one day. She doesn't mind them though :] And with the ocean angel thing I think she'd have this light aura around her! And that she can fly but not insanely high, just a small bit up. Some possible story is that maybe she couldve had a past life and got put into this place! She has almost no recollection of it though, besides having some daydreams abt worlds she dreams of. Id love to code a profile for her too omg,,,such a main
MIGHT ADD MORE, i just woke up a lil bit ago so!