Comments on 💿🐾LENTIL🐹🍀 All Comments Start of Thread Parent

PLEEK you have no idea how flattered i am right now rocket ??? ;__; 💙 means the world AUGHH

I ACTUALLY WANTED TO OPEN ART / DESIGN TRADES WITH MUTUALS / FRIENDS ON DISCORD. I NEED TO BREAK FROM THE OWED ART SHACKLES. I WOULD BE BEYOND HONORED TO TRADE WITH YOU !!! i saw your bulletin but you already had a lot of comments .. didnt wanna intervene ^_^ (itches brain) i will most definitely ping ... THANK YOU !!! 981578211597115402.gif?size=128&quality= ( you also reminded me to update this guy with more info ... giggle smile glaggle... fhanks :3 )

THANK YOU SO MUCHHH im literally crazy for her shes actually everything AAAGHHH shes so fun and wacky i love the tube the tail so MUCH?? and the music you put with her??? ITS ALL SUCH A VIBE i love his sunflower seed keychain i love how his skates are like those little hamster toys i had as a kid that were on wheels thatd go zoom when you pulled them back HES LITERALLY JUST?? EVERYTHING?? BASED?? AS HELL??

shes my little zhu zhu pet ..... ♡ THANK YOU SO FREAKING MUCH omg words cannot describe how delighted i am ... cherishing these words foreva1098276113186304080.gif?size=128&quality