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Citykings went through a lot. Instead of being rude comment something nice instead. Oh i get it you're a albert fan you would basically do anything dumb for your favourite youtuber, chile lemme not see all those cringe fans.

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I didnt see this until now. But I'mma leave it at there are blank white canvases with 1 stroke of paint going for millions and ur worried and 'disappointed' about someone on the internet making a fraction of that. Art is a luxury, not a necessity. Go cry about rent being 500, not a drawing bought by people who can spare that type of money. This is paying my Bill's, ur very young, So I'm gonna give it a few years for that weird mindset to drop, and not take it to heart.

But chill out and stop viewing art like it all has a set worth.

What means the world to you could mean dogshit to someone else.

What seems overpriced to you is right in someone elses price range etc.

Its nothing to get worked up about