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( I believe they'd be a great associate in my folder ; Goddess's Abode, a multi-part story about a weary goddess who opens her heart up again after the universe has dictated otherwise, a fate she refused to conceal herself into. )

📌 I'd name them Yaemhir. They'd be the Goddess's disciple, taking more closer appearances to the one that reminds her of her original creation. Angels being an incredibly rare species in my universe that only five of them exist.

Yaemhir would be learning to weave threads of life besides the other two 'exports'— a/n ; exports meaning " beings adopted from other multiverses and given choices to exist near her Majesty, or live a new life as someone new"— she'd be much closer to the Goddess's favorite disciple, Daine. They both allowed themselves to server under their saviour while retaining their memories from their past life–

—and speaking of which, their life was something Yaemhir couldn't remember much out of.. being fogged and given from hand to hand until the Goddess offered her a home to live in with for eternia. 

Yaemhir is tasked with delivering, and guiding, new life to their designated worlds. A job she shares with the only other purebred angels— Auror, of the Higher Countenant, Angel, the Archangel Datus, and Dina, the Curator of Fate. Unfortunately they are a very curious soul, something Frail loves dearly, and even as they may do their task as the disciple under her mournful doctrine, Yae would find behaviours they do not tolerate in the woman's castles but also the stories they behold.

Her main story helping around Le'Peulmont. Where the devil waits her.

- p.s, thank you for the chance!