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im currently looking for fullbodies or halfbodies rn, whatevers preferred!! :3

III could offer 3 fulls and a half maybe ? i totally get if u wouldnt though HEJWHF 

NO THATS LITERALLY PERFECR WHAT???? heres some guys i’d be interested in getting art for, i can ofc change characters if u want!!!



lottie (warning she is like. a weird gore beast so i understand if u dont wanna, again can change em)

bile (one lil thing i do prefer for him to be drawn plus sized i just havent posted my art of him yet LMAO, only design note)



HELL YEAH i can definitely do that a - i might take slightly longer cuz i have two things to finish but ill send u wips on discord !

awesome tysm!!! once wips are sent i’ll send him over :3