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Hello! I'm so sorry for coming here all of a sudden, but I recommend adding watermark to your work & characters as soon as possible! It was stolen and illegally resold on a Chinese website (namely 抖音 (Douyin)

This has been going on for a long time, the thieves already took a lot from several artists on but it is very difficult for us to detect and track them down because they use completely separated social network, which means no Facebook, no Twitter, no YouTube... I saw this picture in a general group and unfortunately I'm also helpless, need a China phone number to create an account there. I can only let you know 😭



shit what the fuck   do u have a link to the profile? thank u for telling me holyshit


thank uuuu   ill just watermark everything now, i doubt really anyone is going to take the character from the site with much use, though it really does suck people do this arghhhh thank u for telling me !!!

   some will actually use them, saw another stolen Chowlings before through an artist's ads, the innocent person bought commission... this is a very severe situation because I've seen 10, or 20, or more cases within various Chinese website, the worst part is that we don't even know it


waaaa damn;;; i watermarked my cs at least ;_: thank u for telling me