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Sorry to spam, but what if I offered some art? ;w;

It won't be shaded, but I can do a custom design for you, as long as it isn't too complicated.

I usually wouldn't trade it for art but your style looks super sweet ;u; 

If you can pull off any of the following fusions with the first named Pokémon as the body base I'd be happy to give you the character <3 

Alolan Ninetails x (Togekiss or Shiny Altaria)
Kantonian Ninetails x Meloetta (Aria Forme)
Vulpix x Espurr
Thievul x Midnight Lycanroc (if you happen to choose this, please exclude Thievul's mustache xD)
Azelf x Jirachi 

Those are some nice choice of fusions OwO

Imma give Vulpix/Espurr a try