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hi!! sorry for the slightly late response!! if you go to your profile css (character css as well if you want it to display on character pages) you can paste the following code!
a[href*=""] .user-name-icon:before { content: "\e520"; font-family: 'font awesome 6 pro'; }

  • How it works is not too difficult; "a[href*="[..]/pestilants"]" equates to 'any link (a) that has this URL (href)'. It's what lets you choose the user / username you want to change the icon of. This is case sensitive though, so "Pestilants" would not work for example!
  • ".user-name-icon:before" is what targets the user/star/misc icon of the user so only that portion gets changed. 
  • "content: "\e520";" is the unicode symbol of the icon! It's in the top right corner of each icon on the font-awesome website. the \ is important for it to work!
The difference to the link change is links do not have a little icon in front like usernames, so making use of a class is the easiest method to make them have one. Instead of changing / adding an icon in front of EVERY link it just adds it to the ones with that one class. You could also change it so it appears before every link by replacing ".class" with "a" but I believe that would cause a couple of issues with other icons such as in the sidebar.

I hope that makes a bit of sense!! If not I can try rephrasing some things haha oo)b