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His amazing wholesomeness and purity is now thrown down the drain, we better erase his memory quickly 😰😰😰

Yes please he was so sweet and cute before hand 😰😰😰

Hmmm wait so how does it work? How far back will his memories be erased? Is there a way to control it? 😰😰😰

I think so, I think it has a little dial that can erase let’s say up to 72 hours 😰😰😰

Okay let's try this out *aims the gun directly at Timmy and pulls the trigger*

Lil’ Timmy is crying and traumatized. However, when a blueish beam of pulsing light hits the side of his head, he immediately changes facial expression. Now just mostly confused, he wonders why Laggy is standing over him with the blaster. β€œLaGgY?”

7 Replies