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 I'm broke unfortunately but tysm for the ping!

Just to clarify by furries do you just meen like anthro animals you're looking for?

Anthro or feral animals!

I see! I've made a tag of characters on my TH who I'd potentially trade who'd likely fit in that description (there's a fair few) so if anyone catches your eye lmk! (I may be able to do multiple but that depends on who!)

Hey, thank you for the ping! 

Unfortunately I don't have the money for them right now, but I do have characters to trade if that interests you?

Here's a tag of any anthro or feral characters I'd be 100% willing to trade (and I'm willing to do multiples!)

Big highlight is this guy, but there's more haha. 

You can look outside the tag too, but please be aware that Absolute Royalty, Stories, and Retired are off-limits. Crowns I'm tentative on, but it's case-by-case!

Thanks again, and I hope to hear back soon!

most of my anthro OC's are up for grabs atm other than Byte and basket. Also with rain id trade him but hes worth 2.5k+shipping cus he has a partial fursuit and other physical items not on toyhouse so hes off limits too mostly cus of worth. but otherwise any ofthe others are up for trade. id even trade multipule