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I don't think I've seen another robot ostrich, so he seems unique and cool without being super complicated conceptually. 

He looks super dorky and expressive like real big birds:

He looks like a fun character that would add to any scene!

I am curious about his bent antenna and WHAT'S IN THE BOX! Two mysteries in one bird? Fantastic!

I'm so so sorry it took so long to reply to you!!! The days have really been slipping by <XD

I'm extremely happy you adore Chip so much!! Making a mechanical ostrich was a lot of fun, and figuring out how he worked realistically was a tough yet exciting challenge :3
I absolutely LOVE real life ostriches!!! They're so dang cute and I'd keep one as a pet if I could XD

Chip is definitely my "go-to" character that can fit for any situation! Just a silly lil nooter :3
I can spoil ONE mystery!! His antenna was bent during an accident that happened during the first year of his artificial life! Due to the antenna connecting directly to his brain, the damage affected his speech modules and can only let him utter variants of the word "noot!"
Unfortunately since it's directly connected to his brain, fixing it is out of the question QWQ Any sort of movement or attempts to straighten it out cause the poor bot lots of pain, and removing it completely shuts him down! Even though he's stuck saying "noot", he can still understand people just fine!

As for his box.... well, that remains a secret for now >:3