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hi i saw quite a few i was interested but wanted to check first if my art/ a custom design (i saw you were looking for a buff male custom and i love doing buff male designs) would interest you at all :)

here's a couple of my designs that i think have some of your design prefs, just so you can get an idea of what to expect :

one of the two, buff guy with missing arm and scars <3

wow another buff guy

and heres just my whole design tab since those are the only most recent ones i could think of

also i am so down for drawing/designing older men too! dont have any examples on my th but heres a trade i did with a friend recently 

uh sorry for ramble, thanks for your time and please let me know if you decline or are uninterested thanks!

Hello!! No worries at all! 

I'd definitely be interested in art or a custom of some kind, depending on the characters you're interested in!

here's all of the characters that interested me :) i'm good with doing more than one piece of art or custom if you're willing to trade more than one character.

sorry for all the links, a lot of them caught my eye lol (guess we have similar interests haha)

hi just checking in, lmk if you dont want to trade any of those characters ^^

Hello!! I'm sorry about that. How about for a headshot?

sounds good! who do you want me to draw for the headshot :)?

2 Replies