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(1) Scotch [golden hour/domesticated+star-cut tails] + Flapjack [blonde+little bird ears]

(2) Scotch [golden hour/domesticated+star-cut tails] + Flynn [charcoal+curled tails]

(3) Flapjack [blonde+little bird ears] + Oreo [alolan/patches+floppy ears]

(4) Flynn [charcoal+curled tails] + Oreo [alolan/patches+floppy ears]

All are mine

Cost: 2000sp


Several eggs has appeared! 


([ Golden Hour ] + [ Blonde ]) x2


Lvl 1 Vulpix [ Seaside / Domesticated ]
Lvl 1 Vulpix [ Golden Hour + Little bird ears ]
Lvl 1 Vulpix [ Morning Mist / Domesticated ]

Lvl 1 Vulpix [ Apricot / Domesticated + Star-cut tails ]
Lvl 1 Vulpix [ Bubblegum / Domesticated]


([ Blonde ] + [ Alolan ])


Lvl 1 Vulpix [ Cloudy / Patches + Floppy ears ]
Lvl 1 Vulpix [ Seagrass / Patches ]
Lvl 1 Vulpix [ Topaz / Patches ]
Lvl 1 Vulpix [ Alolan ]


([ Charcoal ] + [ Alolan ])


Lvl 1 Vulpix [ Cloudy / Patches ]
Lvl 1 Vulpix [ Chocolate + Floppy ears ]

Vulpix added to Inventory!

Ty but the second one was actually golden hour + charcoal. I didn’t do golden hour + blonde twice! If you could redo that’d be great! I’d like to keep the batch with the apricot and bubblegum and have the other one redone 

My mistake!! heres the new batch:

Lvl 1 Vulpix [ Rainy / Domesticated ]
Lvl 1 Vulpix [  Nocturne / Domesticated + Star-cut tails ]
Lvl 1 Vulpix [  Flint ]