Comments on 💗🏩SACCHARINE💟🦑 All Comments Start of Thread Parent

if u eva look at usd offers fosure pleas lmk…*gribping wads of cash at u*

how much would you offer? just out of pure curiosity :-3 i might consider if i dont find any character offers i am interested in... ive been peeking at bzz-ark for quite a while though but i absolutely  understand if youre too attached (wide smile) THANK YOU !!

i can start off w $50!! erm but if u had a price range in mind just yell at me...and id see if i could dooo
i just recently got bzzark  so i wouldn't trade em at da moment/ but in da future i can let u know fosure!!! O_o if ur down ofc

ill lightly consider this, thank you so much !!! if you ever get unattached please do let me know.... ^_^ ♡