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hey there! i have kinda a weird question to ask but , did you ever play lioden? i found an account on lioden going by the same name and thought i’d ask! 

i also sent someone by the same discord username a frq there, if that was you i am sincerely sorry for the bother! i just wasn’t sure haha

Yes i did play lioden but due to some personal stuff i havent played in years.

i’m so sorry for the late reply i did NOT expect you to reply so fast haha! 

that’s completely fair, i’m sorry to hear that if it’s negative! i am so terribly sorry if this is an uncool question to ask given that info but i actually was seeking to ask about the raffle lioness you own? she’s my birthday rl (her date is my bday!) and i’ve been after her for ages, but couldn’t ever think of how to contact you outside of lioden. 

i’d be willing to do any amount of art for her, character trades, etc— she’s an absolute dreamie lioness! 

again i apologize for the sudden approach! i was just really hoping to at least contact her owner and weigh my chances 🥲 

since i haven't been on in so long. I'll let you have her! what is your user name for me to give her to you?

oh my GOD you have no idea how fast i went screaming to my friends!!! i’m so excited, thank you so so much! my lioden link is

thank you soooo insanely much omg 🥹🥹🥹 i’m gonna decorate her immediately

Here you go! Set her over! please enjoy her!

2 Replies