Comments on 10$ chibi comms!! [OPEN] All Comments

Heyo! :Dc

Can I get a pagedoll including both IC and Cheeze ?

So the $10 option :0c W no background please :3c

Mouse and Cheeze are both children - Mouse being a preteen and Cheeze being much younger :3c


  • payment option: PayPal ($10 option if possible)
  • characters : Cheeze and Mouse
  • Details to keep in mind : Both characters are children, however Mouse is older (10-12) while Cheeze is probably around 6 or 7. Mouse is a ghost (basically a Chara replacement for Cheeze)
  • normal or transparent: Transparent please!

dw about not using the form!! as long as i have all the details i asked for idm :0 ill put you on the queue!!

also since its the couple option, any specific way they should interact? or just a sense of their dynamic in general, so i can get a better idea for the pose ^_^

How you draw them interacting is up to you :Dc Their dynamic however is silly XDc

It's basically the comedy dynamic of someone being a downer while the other is overly optimistic :Dc Mouse also looks out for Cheeze, sense Cheeze isn't very healthy (being a hospital runaway)

So like Mouse would gather food/healing items for Cheeze while also pushing em to go on if that makes sense :9c