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Ikr- Youre like EYO WHAT- And yeah ive started rock climbing!! Im so proud bc i did a v3 and a v2 first try :)

nice nice!!!!! my friend’s really into rock climbing and she keeps sending me videos and being like “WOOOO I DID A V8 FINALLY” and I have no idea what that means lmao

V8?? Woah thats hard- Basically the levels are sorted in hardness from v0-v17 i think

okay but what is it though is it like a trick

Its like a boulderring ‘level’ or a stage. Think of a video game like mario where theres worlds and levels in that world so theres gonna be many v1s to climb but every climb is gonna be unique but the same level :0 I hope you get it lol

ohhhhhh that’s actually….really sick what…..maybe I should get into climbing that sounds fun

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