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Hello! We wanted to know if we could get a custom on the BTD base you use for a trade?

(Can we get a custom made and offer a trade in return?)

We can offer anyone in (within reason)

Or ?

Hmm, do you own the BTD base I used for the recent adopt you got from me?

No, we just edited the image and added more spots. We can't pay money for things atm.

Uhm, you can't do that.. that is using the base. 

Is it? If all we did was add spots to it? We didn't use it for any other other character.

(Not to sound rude but what does this have to do with the custom?)

Adding spots to it is using the base, you are adding stuff on the lines. It’s using the base. I think you also added a line on the face. This has nothing to do with the custom. But yes that is using the base.

It does not matter if you used it for the same character. It’s using the base. It’s also.. “stealing“ because you don't own this base, and it’s a pay to use base. You also went over my work.. thats not as important as using the base. You could get in a lot of trouble. It’s very rude to the creator of the base, he put his work out for money. Even if the base was free you should not go over people’s work.. unless you have permission ^^ (I’m not trying to sound rude.) 

9 Replies