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Name: Voidgloom, the Shroud Pokémon

Typing: Ghost/Water

Ability 1: Water Absorb

Ability 2: Cursed Body

Hidden Ability: Poison Heal

Height: 3'11"

Weight: 250 lbs (I'm sssssort pulling this number out of nowhere, clouds are really, really heavy and I can't exactly pinpoint how much a nearly 4 foot cloud would weigh so I'm just settling it as this as if it were like 30 gallons/4 cubic feet of water!)

Location: Hau'oli Cemetery at night (After defeating The Big Badâ„¢)

Description 1: Because of it's silhouette, this Pokémon is often mistaken for the ghost of a young girl haunting graveyards.

Description 2 (Version Difference): This Pokémon seeks out the grieving, enveloping them in what almost seems to be a "comforting hug." It was a mistaken phenomenon that many have drowned "from their own tears" until this Pokémon was discovered.

Thank you for the chance!!

hi !! i liked your entry the best, it had the most interesting text to me :D i'm fascinated by how its style of predating looks like a hug! it's so cruel, i love it!

the fusion will be transferred over to you shortly <3

Thank you so much!!     I was really inspired for this fusion!!