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— taken from ‘nimbus’ and ‘vision’


the dreamscape pokemon.

Entry 1; rumors say that during a full moon, this pokemon can be observed through dreams. it wanders freely, drawn to creative, unpredictable aspects of imagination. at day, it masquerades as a drifting cloud.

Entry 2; it travels between the land of dreams and reality. long ago, a sickness called the ‘eternal slumber’ tore through the land, causing sleep deprivation and unusual visions that lingered even after being awakened. many would sleep and never wake up, obsessed with their own imagination. although the culprit, it seems to not be fully aware of its power, wanting to simply play in others dreams.


2’11” 15 lbs. / 6.8 kg.

— surprisingly light due to otherworldly nature. allows it to travel freely through dreams with mostly minimal disturbance aside from a slight shifting feeling, like a drop of rain in a pool.

found after using dream eater on a sleeping pokemon or quest promoted npc. can later be found as a random encounter after using fly near end game.

special ability;

sweet dreams

this pokémon’s hp recovers when other pokemon fall asleep.