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Wow! She’s so so soo gorgeous! I would absolutely love to have her please if you’d consider me! A name I feel like would fit her would be Sieglinde (Signy for short/nickname!) The name means “gentle victory” in Norse and I think it would fit her very well! I view her as this powerful, yet very gentle and kind person. She would be a shapeshifter who has both a humanoid form, and a great dragon form that comes across as scary and intimidating, but is really kind and caring at heart. She is also a very powerful sorceress, who can cast all sorts of spells and magic, and can bend nature to her will. Despite this immense power, she is a very loving person and always sticks up for those in trouble and uses her magic to protect the weak. She’s a very elegant, and noble woman with a mission to make the world a brighter and kinder place! Her most favorite pastime is gardening, she adores plants of all kinds and enjoys planting rows and rows of beautiful flowers in her yard! She loves the scents the flowers produce and loves to bottle her own lovely perfumes! She even likes to gift bottles of home made perfumes out of local villagers to share the wonderful scents she creates!! 

Thanks for your consideration!! (Btw your art and style is absolutely stunning!!) <33 hiraelith

hi hi! I'm always weak for gardeners HAHA. my main oc Alora is similar personality-wise! but she's an angel and is not intimidating in the slightest. i like thinking she's just a little stress ball with a love for flowers and healing :))

sorry for the ramble 3 all that to say, you can have her! I'll be sending a transfer request in a moment and can do a sketch icon for you, if you'd like! just lmk <3

Oooh Alora sounds so soo wonderful! I’m sure they would be the best of friends!!
And thank you so soo sooo much!! I really love her!! I’ll be sure to take good care of her!! And I would really love an icon if it isn’t too much to ask, thank you!! You’re too kind!! ;u; <33333