Comments on Jammither All Comments

Yo! I was wondering how you felt about people offering on ocs that aren't specifically in a ufo / no offers folder? 

The only ones I am willing to offer off are the ones in the open for trade folder. There was 1 in the I Dunno yet folder that I meant to put in the trade folder if that was the one you were referring to. Otherwise, I won't be taking any offers on characters not in the Open for Trade folder ^^ if that answers your question.

Mk! What about asking for Pings on a character :0 (btw I'm not asking about any ocs in your goober folder this is just hypothetical cuz I really like your artstyle)

Can you elaborate on what you mean ^^ I'm sorry my brain is like jello after work so I'm a bit confused what you're asking loll

Yeah ofc!! I mean like if I see a character that I really like, like asking in the comments for a ping if you ever allow offers on them!

Ah i see, sure i can do that! ^^ though it is unlikely anyone will go up but if they do I will do that. I may in the future do adopts of sorts(probably trade through character or art) so if i do i will also ping you for those if you wish :D

1 Replies