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I’m looking for a story of my characters! I’ve got a couple of questions.

Is there anyone in the ic you’d be willing to trade the writing for?

Would you be coming up with a story or would I? And if I need to, how much of a story do I need to present to you?

What are the sort of things you’d be willing to write, or not write?

Are there any species limitations on who you can write?

How long will your writing take?

Would I be able to ask for small edits of the finished work to fix characterization issues?

1. "Is there anyone in the ic you’d be willing to trade the writing for?"
I'm interested in these:

2. "Would you be coming up with a story or would I? And if I need to, how much of a story do I need to present to you?"
I can do either, though me coming up with it might require more "payment" I will try for it not to though. As for how much you need to tell me, I will ask my own questions so don't worry!

3. "What are the sort of things you’d be willing to write, or not write?"
I'm willing to write almost anything! Just no Underage (you know what) or sibling stuff (You know). If it is lightly mentioned from a character's past to explain their trauma I might let it slide but I will NEVER put it in a good light.

4. "Are there any species limitations on who you can write?"
Nope! I just need you to explain it to me if it's a closed species!

5. "How long will your writing take?"
Depends on how long you want it.

6. "Would I be able to ask for small edits of the finished work to fix characterization issues?"
Of course! Just once you have told me it's perfect don't edit anything yourself. If you find something is wrong in the future just msg me and I can fix it up for free!

My discord is LavenderLemon btw incase you decide to do the com ^^

Alright, thank you! I’m currently not completely prepared to order a written work right this second, but I’ll send another comment with more info sometime tomorrow. 

Okay! I’m back! I can offer up to three of those characters at once for one story. I don’t know which ones you would prefer, or how much you’d be willing to write for them, so I’d want you to let me know.

I am wanting a story of my twin characters Murray and Mil. Perhaps one where Murray is coming home for the summer or holiday. Perhaps they’re going to a local carnival in the nearby small town? I would want the story to either focus on their relationship, where it’s strained due to the incident that caused them to separate, or have that as just an background issue that colors their interactions. Mil is guilty, but also wanting to go on as if they never had separated, all clinging to Murray, and Murray is a little wary of her clingingness, but is wanting to move forward with how their relationship is now.

Please ask all the questions you need, so that we can figure the story out better and you can figure the characters out better. And let me know if you don’t think you can write this. I do have other characters I can request stories for. And if this works out, and you’re okay with writing more, I am okay with trading others of the characters you’re interested in for more stories.