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OMG PINKY AND PEPPER!!! I love that comic so much <3

Pinky and Pepper forever!!!! :D Glad someone who loves it noticed my pfp, That comic is really great in every way 4 me <3 Very visually Awesome. Ur comment reminded me to look at eddy atoms instagram 2 which I found out he made a transmasculine MLP zine which is pretty cool.

the image of pinky as Ophelia has been my lockscreen for the past year 😭😭 eddy atom’s art style is so cool and I’m about to go subscribe to him on patreon to read the mlp comic !! 

His artstyle is really cool it feels so lively and like a Punch of just, energy. And I haven't gotten around to subbing for the MLP comic but I definitely plan to! :3 Â