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Hey there!! I noticed med cat applications were open, but I’m currently banned on my Scratch account sob (it’s Puddleguppies, cherishedmirth owner lol) I was wondering if it’d be possible to apply here? I have literally no way to do it on scratch :(

Totally forgot to add this, but it's completely fine if not!! I understand if it's too difficult to have to keep track of things off and onsite sob

Yeah absolutely! How long is the ban for? /cur

Edit: misread your question, im sorry sob :,0 welllllll….. sorta perma which is what I am mainly worried about. I sent st and appeal but they still haven’t replied. I totally understand if you don’t want me to apply because of this!

No, go ahead and apply! I hope they accept :)

Awesome thank you so much <33 is there a certain way you'd like me to apply?

6 Replies