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This character is absolutely gorgeous! Especially with the addition of scythes that makes them stand out from other dromeasaurid based designs! I'd probably name them Pladur (which is scythe in Welsh) and the idea I had is that personality/behavior wise they would be kind of like the Indoraptor from the Jurassic World franchise. However they were created for the purpose of use in things like war, mainly with the intelligence and agility of a dromeosaur that they taught to them like Owen with Blue , along with the combination of the scythe like blades that are sharp and capable of cutting through most material! They also use the feathers decorating all around their head as a form of expressing themselves, though only those who have experience with them can truly tell how they currently feel. That's about the most I can come up with them as of right now, but regardless thank you for the chance!