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paypal please

alright I'll get together the profiles, here you go !

Sent. Thank you so much. I adore your designs

no problemo !! honestly happy that people do !! definitely will try to put in some more blorbos today since m'feeling for an art warmup ! I'll remove the photos off of the hub and get onto some new stuff soon ! <3

I'm excited to see any more you do, even if I might not be able get anymore until I'm paid next currency conversions are a killer
I adore just looking at your art. Your style is so lovely!

thank you !! honestly manifesting that currency conversions get a little less bc I know I ran into problems with that myself here or there, but regardless I'm jus' glad I get to make designs ppl love !! honestly considerin' puttin' out some raffles too, given the one I have out right now will be ending soon so ! there's tons of chances to get my designs, be it freebies in my discord or raffles n' otherwise !

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