Comments on CAFE YCH GIF $10 All Comments Start of Thread Parent


Ahhh awesome, do you think this gal will be do-able? You can simple her design down if needed :D 

If she is a bit much please lmk as I do have another Oc in mind! <33

She looks fine to me! Just one thing may be a problem, the gradient on her cheeks if that’s ok with you?

And do you use discord I’m better at replying on discord

oh that’s totally fine! truthfully half the time I forget she has it myself haha

Yes I have discord! What’s your user? Sorry I don’t remember mine off the top of my head but it’s M00 ###😭


bt wi don't think you have numbers anymore bc the new update got rid of them if you put in a @

Sent! I forgot about that update haha, my user is m00_09