Comments on Chaotix . Waterfalls All Comments

if theyr ever uft/ufo lmk!!! I saw ur bulletin on mangle insp customs but didn't wanna offer yet because of the tag that's on this character, just lmk if u lose interest :33 !

I could possibly consider! I'm just not sure if I wanna let go of them yet, how many would u be able to do? The tag is from the last owner, forgot to remove it!!

No problem !! If u do pings that'd be epic ! x). (I forget to take off tags from past owners too no problem LOL)

 I can do a mix of RLLY any art !! I can do 7 art pieces (including customs) ^_^ (can add) 

I also have ocs (not a RLLY great selection but I have some geezer + maybe storage folder !! )

I'll consider! If I were to accept, would u be fine with telling me when you don't want them? I'd like to know just in case if I gave them to you, I could offer for them back^^

for sure !! I can def put on a tab that they'd be traded back to you !! :-3

ok, then i MIGHT accept!! i also did see a character in ur storage folder i thought was cute, but idk if you'd be willing to trade them.. :3

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