Hey-ho! I was just curious; what would you be looking for either and ? <:oc

(Edit: I wanted to clarify that I meant if you were leaning towards, character, voucher, art, etc! I saw your preferences but I wanted to know if there was one you favored over the other (@w@ ! )

Hihi! Mainly interested in designer swaps or succubuns for those two, or a specific 3way trade.  I'll look at other one offs but I'm pretty picky with em ;u;

Thank you for letting me know, and I totally got you on the pickiness! Though when you said specific 3way trade, did you have particular one in mind right now or was it just 'if something comes up' kinda deal? <:0c ?

There's one I'm looking at right now, though I'm currently waiting on a reply to my offer atm.. If it does fall through though, I'm presently interested in Giles from Oleaspur's bulletin here and I'd be happy to trade Aedh if you were able to secure em for me

SKZKSpfft that! Is actually kinda funny! I was writing up an offer for the guy myself as well, I just didn't get to it- I'll let you know if I'm out of the running regardless though <:Oc ? 

LMAO makes sense as we seem to have the same taste in designs xD  But yeah, do let me know how things go, if you'd rather nab him for yourself that'd definitely be understandable too

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