Comments on Thomas All Comments

"Okayokay, I got this."

"Heyoooo!! The name's Volt! Niiiice to meet'cha!!! You're definitely...not who I expected to see! I was told to tell ya that I was sent here from HQ, or as the big boss likes to call it, 'The Person Below Me Thread,' whatever that means! Aaaanyways, I'm supposed to give my thoughts on err...what'syournamewhat'! Thomas! Yeah!! You can have my list that I was forced to write down, aaaand I'll skedaddle! Heheh, delivery is a success! See ya!!


The hastily written, barely legible note read as follows:


- Ya look old. And smart! Probably. Like a "I know what taxes mean and I'm definitely responsible and boringly adult" smart! I think you'd know how to do this thing called "budgeting your money well," aaaand "making food out of random leftovers in the fridge."

- I don't think you've ever fought a day in your life! Or exercised! You don't look the least bit flexible at all and that's a problem, yaknow?? I'm gonna call it now, you've definitely got mad back pain, joint pain, pain in your pain...not good, not good!

- Can you handle craaazy energy??? I think YES! Look at your face! Suuuuper focused and suuuuper duper ready to deal with people! Or maybe you're just ignoring them for something else going on in your head? Do worldly issues get you down? Ha! What am I even writing?? Let's just say...I'm getting the vibe that you can tolerate a heck of a lot through your own sheer will!

- Maaaybe you're not flexible in body, but in mind?? Yep! I DEFINITELY see a glint in your eye. Y'know what it's telling me? Life's thrown you around but you're living on and making your way through things and handling them as best as ya can! I bet you totally had a stack of self-help books lying around somewhere that you read to, well, help you!

- I think you probably don't like change. How do I know? Well, why'd you ever wanna be an office worker if you wanted something exciting? Yep...diagnosed with the case of "routine" I tell ya. But y'know what? If it makes you happy, I'm happy too!

OOC note:

Since I couldn't tell whether you wanted the headcanons or the comment and you were only able to pick one from the list, I've decided to creatively combine the two and give you some headcanons in character! Hope you liked them! (And sorry if this is not what you're looking for, I can certainly redo it if you didn't like it hfisdjnkddf)