I knock on your door again to bring to you the last trend! A trade offer! (Oh my)

ADKZKDKD jokes aside, would this LC bby interest for you for a swap of either of your LC bbys? <:Oc

I'd be interested in them for a friend if that's something you'd be cool with!  Would you be open to taking Chartreuse for them?

Oh! Like a 3-way kinda deal? I'd just probably wanna know where they're heading off to before auto-accepting (just a 3-way pet peeve thing for me dkdjd), but I do like Chartreuse! 

Oh definitely understandable!  They'd be going to @occultic if you'd be ok with that

Thank you for being so understanding! And I'd be down for the trade, yeah >:3c !!

Sounds good to me!  If you wanna transfer em over to occultic I'll send chartreuse your way!

2 Replies