Comments on Ok So Idea :D All Comments

I have all of these guys UFO, and most I'd be totally down with trading (only a couple are USD only)

As for art challenges, I pretty much only have the ones I listed last time..!

  1. Monochrome - drawing the OC all in 1 color (such as only blues)
  2. Palette challenges - drawing the OC with a specific palette, such as these
  3. Actually there's a ton of art challenge things on tumblr like this one (You can also use a random number generator instead!)
  4. This pinterest has a ton of challenges, though imo they look more like design-a-character rather than draw-a-character (if that makes sense)
  5. There's some outfit ones too, where you draw the OC in a specific outfit. 1, 2, 3, 4
  6. Draw the OC on a specific canvas size, like a really small canvas.
  7. Then, of course, draw the OC in a limited amount of time challenges
  8. & with specific brushes, like binary (pixel) vs, like, crayon

(I didn't check all of the blogs I sent btw..! The links should take you to the relevant places, tho)

No one caught my interest but I do wanna say a huge thank you for the challenges, as this will help a ton <3!!