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Hey MisterMuse !

Hope you don't mind if I made some for my own open species! This seemed really cool and fun so I wanted to do it :3

Untitled1226_20231125120222.png?ex=6574aOreowolf OC
Pretty simple, just a ribbon for any OC who is an oreowolf.

Untitled1228_20231125152038.png?ex=6574dDesigned by Vitality
For any oreowolf that I have designed and given away! As I am the creator of oreowolves, afterall :3

Untitled1229_20231125160936.png?ex=6574eOreowolf Designer
Profile ribbon! For those who have designed 5 or more oreowolves and have given them away.

Untitled1230_20231125164015.png?ex=6574eOreowolf Sculptor
Another profile ribbon, for those who have designed 15 or more oreowolves and have given them away. Wow!

Profile ribbons are just something meant for people to put on their profiles :3 hope ya don't mind.